Whistleblower Hotline Services

Whistleblowing has become increasingly valued in today’s world. Reporting illegal or unethical actions helps to diminish dishonourable behaviour and create a more trustworthy business climate.
A whistleblowing hotline is a service that enables employees and third party suppliers to report malpractices, unlawful or unethical behaviour within the workplace. All callers are protected under the Protected Disclosures Act of 2014, which aims to protect people who raise concerns about possible wrongdoing in the workplace. The act provides redress for employees who are dismissed or otherwise penalised for having reported possible wrongdoing in the workplace. Best practice asserts that an outsourced hotline can help improve the success of your speak-up programme.
Ashtree’s whistleblowing service is based on security, confidentiality, flexibility, and trust. Our trained and experienced staff will ensure discretion, compassion and protect employers from spurious allegations.