Investor Background Checks

Deal Cautiously. Selecting appropriate sources of investment capital is one of the most crucial decisions for your organisation. With Ashtree’s enhanced background check services, we review every facet of a potential investor’s reputation so your organisation has all the necessary information to make business choices confidently.
We understand that choosing the appropriate investor is not an equal solution for all businesses or start-ups, so Ashtree’s background checks are tailored to be cost-effective and provide the proper level of depth. Depending on your specific needs, our analysts will comb through public records, global media sources, sanctions & watch lists, criminal records, and open web sources to assure that a potential investor has no reputational red flags that could harm your organisation.
At the most basic level, our background checks leverage public records databases to verify the identities of potential investors by confirming dates of birth, address histories, and other identifying information.
Using a robust collection of commercial database sources, our analysts screen potential investors for previous criminal histories, negative media references, sanctions & watch list notices, and other questionable business relationships that may expose your company to heightened risk.
For a higher level of scrutiny, Ashtree utilizes intelligence-based research techniques to discern a potential investor’s open web reputation and review their social media profiles for any suspicious connections or business relationships.
With Ashtree’s asset verification services, our analysts review a potential investor’s financial tack record, real property/vehicular ownership data, and any known offshore bank accounts to spot patterns of fiscal irresponsibility.